Radio DJ, music DJ, television host, emcee, certified Xtend Barre instructor, gamer—these are just some of the things that Patricia K is known for, but contrary to popular belief, they are not her best life achievements to date.
During a recent interview with Discover KL, we asked Patricia, “Of all your life accomplishments thus far, which are you proudest of?” There was no hesitation as she named her now 7-month-old daughter as her ultimate pride and joy.
In this week’s installment of DKL Gets Personal, Patricia gushes about her little girl Sophia, her relationship with well-known Malaysian personality, Joey G, and everything in between.
1. What’s one untold secret about being a DJ in Malaysia?

Well, if I have to be honest, it is hard to be taken seriously. Sometimes, clients only want someone to look good behind the decks but they do not appreciate (or care) if the DJ can actually mix or is just pressing buttons and playing from a mix CD. The amount of times I have been to an event and the DJ is either faking it or playing some top 20 list is one too many times.
2. What’s the most common misconception about female DJs?

Mostly that we are hired for our looks and not our talents. The problem is…a lot of girls live up to that reputation, so it is hard to be taken seriously at times. Especially because everyone is now a ‘DJ’.
3. You’re a woman wearing many hats. Which is the hardest to manage and why?

Now that I am a mother, I think this is the toughest one so far. I can handle and juggle work but being a mother comes with so many different feelings and tasks. I never thought that it would be this crazy but it is also the thing that gives me the most gratification. I was put through the hardest time after birth when I went through postnatal depression and it has been kind of up to me to just get on with it and make sure that my daughter gets all the love and best care whilst we manage work and our every day life. It is not easy but I love it.
4. Walk us through a day in the life of Patricia K.

The minute I wake up, my thoughts are straight away on Sophia. I would also go for a workout if I haven’t been up in the middle of the night or early morning to feed or take care of her. Sometimes, she wakes up around 10-11 am which allows us to have a full night sleep and I’ll have energy for a workout. If not, I will do a workout at Merican Muay Thai with Saiful who is one of the best. I love doing Muay Thai. It is such an amazing workout.
I’ll get my errands done, groceries if needed. If I am too busy, I’ll order from Happy Fresh so that I can run around for my meetings or pick up outfits for my events, etc. Then, it would either be hosting or DJ’ing or attending an event.
Every day is different which I really love. The only thing that isn’t, is Sophia. Routine is really needed when you have a baby.
5. What’s the last good book you’ve read?

I re-read a childhood book during my pregnancy – Song of the Lioness. I read it when I was a teenager and it was nice to just read it again. I love fantasy. Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter…all these books are my favourites.
6. You’ve lived all around the world throughout your life. Which country do you love most?

I can’t choose. Every place has beautiful positive highlights as well as the ‘downside’ but I noticed that you have to live in a country for longer than a year to really understand what the country is all about.
7. You played football on an all-girls team in Denmark. Do you still play footie these days?

Yes I did. I used to do a lot of sports and I wish I did still but it’s hard now that time is limited and the main things that I have to prioritise is my family, work, friends, etc.
8. Are you big on cooking and prepping your own meals or do you eat out more?

I do both. I love cooking at home and prepping but it honestly takes a lot of time because I also have to do the grocery shopping, etc. I have meals sent over for a 21-day meal course from PurelyB which is to help me eat healthy. That is the difficult part when you are always on the go. The meals are so good – both for lunch and dinner. I do still cook and Joey isn’t really someone who loves eating salads. 😉
9. What does a cheat meal look like for you?

I cheat all the time. That is why I really have to workout a lot or I think I would weigh 10kg more. I love anything carbs.. I am more of a savoury than sweet person. Pan mee, rice dishes, etc.
10. How did you get back your figure after giving birth to Sophia?

I was waking up every morning at around 8am and going for a workout nearly every day. I now train in the afternoons with Saiful at Merican Muay Thai gym, which I would suggest to anyone if they would like to have a good workout where you’ll use your entire body. When I don’t have time to drive out, I’ll go to the gym downstairs and use my Nike training app. It really, really works for me. The food intake part is still super difficult to control as I get cravings all the time but I am trying my best.
11. What’s it like being a new mom and what’s one life lesson you’d like to pass on to Sophia?

Being a mother is to finally understand that love that people talk about. That crazy deep love you will have for your child that nothing could prepare you for and nothing compares to. The amount of times I so badly need some time alone, but then when she is gone or not around me, I miss her so, so much!
Before I had Sophia, I would always hear sad stories about other people’s kids that were ill or something had happened to them. Yes, it was sad..but now for me, it’s just unthinkable. I feel it inside my bones and inside my body. I feel for them and I can’t imagine if it was my little girl it was happening to.
There are so many things I could say but the main thing is: Being a new mum comes with so much depth, love and craziness in life. Just be prepared to always be worried as a parent. I will be teaching Sophia a lot of things, but I want her to have empathy. I want her to be humble and treat everyone with a kind and warm heart. To be a strong and independent woman.
12. You’ve been with your partner Joey G for around 9 years now. What do you bicker about most nowadays?

Haha! What don’t we bicker about? We bicker about everything, but it’s normal. We live together and we have been through thick and thin, ups and downs. It might be about laundry, tidying up, Sophia (even though that can make us both feel guilty), not spending enough time together, etc.
But I see that as us caring and still loving each other. We still love each other a lot and that is the main thing. Sophia has filled our lives with so much joy.
13. What’s your biggest insecurity in life and how do you conquer it?

I have always been quite an insecure person since I was a teenager. I overcome it by taking care of myself and I have matured a lot since. I used to always say and do silly things but now I find a way to make myself feel good. Working out always makes me feel better. Remember, happiness starts from yourself and not from anyone else.
14. Of all your life accomplishments thus far, which are you proudest of?

Sophia. Hands down.
All Image Credits: Patricia K