She was voted as the #1 sexiest deejay in Asia by edmDroid in 2015. She was also voted as Malaysia’s #1 female deejay. She’s an entrepreneur, actress, singer and host. But at the core of it all, Leng Yein is basically the “da jie” (big sister) we all need in life.
Why? Watch one of her Facebook Live videos and you would see exactly why. Through her communication with her fans, we see the uncensored, real side to Leng Yein as she waxes lyrical on anything and everything under the sun. She’s more than a pretty face with a bagful of talents (she plays the piano too), she’s also unafraid to be true to herself.
Discover KL recently caught up with Leng Yein as she shared the candid and bare truth about who she is as a person, what has been her anchor throughout the years, and what her favourite food is. (Hint: she’s not too different from the rest of us!)
1. Do share with us more about yourself.
I’m an Aries. I’m a hopeless romantic, loyal, independent, bold, and the list will go on forever hahaha. I’m a very determined and focused person with a super solid will to strive and live, and I go against all odds. I’m super independent and super positive. I’m very fierce and protective when provoked and I stand my ground very firmly at all times. I prioritise and love my family and my loved ones the most. I’m very good at taking care of those whom I love. I’m always here to care, guide and help my girl fans who got their heart broken, or those who face problems and hiccups in life, or young’ens who feel lost. I’m a big sister to everyone. And I’m a woman of my own. I am Leng Yein Jie.
2. What is a normal day in the life of Leng Yein?
Replying fan mails and messages on Facebook and Instagram. Giving away free gifts after free gifts to my beloved fans. Doing FB Live, communicating and exchanging thoughts, feelings and ideas with my fans. Playing the piano. Oh, and food and food and food, and a lot of love and positivity swimming in my bubble daily.
3. What is the one experience in life that has made you the tough cookie you are now?
My hatepage. A group of anti-Leng Yein fans succeeded in causing me sleepless nights and made me jobless for nine months, 4 years plus ago. I will never forget how FRIENDSHIP, being OVERLY KIND, jealousy and overly trusting in some FRIENDS has costed me my reputation, and my name, life and brand to fall apart. But thanks to this experience, I am almost unbreakable now hahaha.
4. What do you think is most important when you’re talking to your fans on your live videos?
Staying true to ourselves and saying out loud what we feel about everything, voicing out our thoughts, feelings, ideas and our experiences. I love my FB Live sessions with my fans. Its like Chicken Soup for the Soul.
5. Tell us more about your fashion line.
I’m expanding my brand to include a beauty line now too. My fashion line and #TheLengSisters fashion line is now all over Asia and we’re going into Europe and USA this year too. We are all very excited. And our beauty line is coming out in a few months too. We are stoked.
6. How do you juggle all your different career paths?
I enjoy every single different job and experience I have, and had in the past. I don’t feel stressed or tired because I love what I’m doing and it’s what every Malaysian artist wouldn’t wanna do. You should be true to yourself to the CORE. A lot of people are now starting to see why I made it and they start to be more open and badass like me now haha. So I am the head of the #MalaysiaBadAssClub.
7. How do you stay fit and healthy with such a hectic lifestyle?
I’m born lean and thin. I can never get fat. Me and my sisters are both lucky, thanks to grandma and mum haha. I don’t sleep much and I don’t drink at all. I maintain my skin through botox and clinic visits when I think I need to shoot a new Beauty Video or something. I’m too lazy to wanna look beautiful so I cut myself up mehh.
8. How do you deal with negativity and hate?
Haters deal with it but I don’t. I am always a super positive person with a lot, a lot, a lot of love to give. If they don’t like me, it’s really not my problem. I never asked or begged them to be my friend to start with. We are all very busy and occupied with beautiful people, experiences, meaningful conversations and good memories in our daily life.
They chose to wanna hate everyone and bitch about EVERYTHING and blame EVERYONE for their “suckie” sad life, and kept comparing themselves with me and everyone but it is all in their head. To be frank, no one gives a sh*t about anyone in life. When we have a problem, we should deal with it, take it in, face it, get over it and MOVE, MOVE, MOVE and remember to wave and smile. Sulking and talking and complaining doesn’t change things for them. It changes their aura and thoughts and drains out all the positive energy from people around them, from people who love them. It’s bad. So, karma is theirs, not mine. I don’t give a f*ckin’ f*ck.
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9. If you were stranded on an island, what is the top 3 things you must have with you?
Battery bank 20000mAh, water resistant handphone with reception and a big bottle of water. Let’s go!
10. Who are your favourite DJs, both international and Malaysian?
Everyone who respects each other’s work, work hard and stay honest and kind are my favourites. I don’t mind or care who is famous and who is not because it doesn’t really matter. If they are famous, or rich, it’s THEIRS. Not MINE. I don’t expect them to give it to me and they WON’T. Everyone is selfish in a way. So they do what they do, don’t come running my way wrecking my bowl of rice. I just wanna pay bills and do my job as long as I am wanted and as long as I HAVE one. You do yours, I do mine. Everyone is a copycat nowadays. Talking about originality hahaha. Booyah! Now that’s REAL talk.
11. Where is your ideal vacation spot?
Europe and any islands. It’s always so romantic and calming.
12. How is your 30s different from your 20s?
In my 30s, I know what is good for me and what I don’t need in and around my life now, whereas when I’m in my 20s, I do everything that I think is good for me. At my 30s, I know exactly why I want something and I know exactly what I’m doing, why I’m saying that, why I’m behaving the way I choose to behave. I know exactly what to demand, I know exactly what I’m capable of and what is best for me and my family and my loved ones.
I am capable of taking care of my family and people around me, building dreams for others and making their dreams come true. I am capable of helping the needies and guiding the lost young’ens, I am brave and fearless. And also in my 30s, I am more soft and subtle, at peace with myself and the people and things around me. My toleration level is sky high and I smile through all the odds with a calm heart. I am able to walk through a tornado storm in life with my eyes wide open and a big wide smile from ear to ear, and walk out from it still wearing the same smile. Attitude. I became light in heart, stable in mind, and positive in embracing everything in life.
13. What is your proudest achievement to date?
It is definitely the capability I have now that I am able to provide and supply and support my family’s needs. I am also proud that I had created a platform to help and support and guide all my fans who are jobless, in need of help, lost and in despair. I send positivity across my little world to others who are peeking and walking past it. I have the power to change lives and make others happy. And I will put it to good use and maximise it to make my little bubble a happy place to stay. Even to those who passed by for a little while. This power, it’s priceless. And I hold it close to my heart. Always be kind, be honest, and be the light who help others see their way through and get to their destination. That’s love.
14. What is next for your career and personal life?

I’m expanding my brand and #TheLengSisters worldwide, instead of just branding it in Asia. My sister and I have won a lot of awards in such a short span of a year. We will keep winning more and be bigger and grow as we work.
15. What is your advice to young girls who aspire to follow in your footsteps and do plastic surgery?
Do what you want. It’s safer to do surgeries than eat medicines they blindly buy from the Internet that causes internal organ problems and complications. The percentage of failed cases in surgeries are FAR WAYYYY LOWER compared to the failed cases caused by the intake of bad, unsafe or poisonous medicines just to look good. The intake of unsafe pills and medicines could cause kidney problems, kidney failure, difficulty in breathing, hormone imbalance, loss of hair, skin flaking, pimple outbreaks, chapped lips, skin problems, hormones problems and more.
16. Lastly, what is one food that you can never give up…ever.
Rice. A lot, a lot of rice! Hahaha.
All Image Credits: Leng Yein