Celebrations are better with a collaborative spirit and a social impact. It is Oh Cha Matcha’s first birthday this month and they’ve launched the Ultimate Matcha Box for this occasion. It’s a whole matcha inspired goodie box with 23 matcha flavoured items (including 4 drinks) for any crazed matcha lover!
Better yet, these desserts are from their F&B partners and we stan the variety of brands that they’ve selected. Their partners include established names like Foo Foo Fine Desserts (@foofoofinedesserts), familiar neighbourhood names like Dough & Dolce (@doughanddolce) and That Last Bite (@thatlastbite), AND small home bakers like Poppy Cherry Pop (@poppycherrypop) and Scofee (@imscofee).

They’ve even included an organic, gluten-free, keto dessert option from Stapleeats (@stapleeats)! Don’t be fooled by the fact that it’s sugar-free, this keto matcha cream puff had the strongest matcha taste of the bunch.
On top of that inclusivity, part of the proceeds for this matcha box will be contributed to NCSM (@nationalcancersocietymy).
The Ultimate Matcha Box retails at RM138, there’s plenty for sharing (we struggled to finish it with 4 pax and there were still leftovers). Plus you’ll be supporting local F&B names and a charitable cause.

Our favourites were the matcha brownie from Provisions (@provisionsmy) which was perfectly moist and the right balance of fudginess, and the matcha canele from Burrow (@burrow.kl) that had a crispy caramelised outer crust and a tender soft center. The fresh mint matcha kombucha from Wild Kombucha (@wildkombucha.co) hits the right spot on a hot day too.
This box is only available for a limited time over the month of March. You can pre-order it by DM-ing Oh Cha Matcha (@ohchamatcha.kl) on their Instagram profile, collections are every Thurdays and Fridays till the end of the month.