Babies are their parents’ pride and joy and it is only normal to be extra protective of little ones in their early stages of life. Well, imagine signing babies up as science experiments. No, we’re not kidding because there really is such a thing in Malaysia!
Enter Sunway Baby Lab.

They conduct baby studies to learn more about little ones aged 0-2 years, from the way they comprehend the world around them, to the way they recognise faces and understand languages. Parents can actually volunteer their child for the studies and for reimbursement purposes, they would receive:-
1. RM30 travel allowance per visit.
2. A specially designed infant t-shirt/baby bib.
3. A baby degree for your tot’s participation in Sunway Baby Lab.

Babies will only need to come in for the experiment once and it would last for about 10-15 minutes. Should babies feel restless or tired during the experiment, they would be given breaks to allow them to rest, before the experiment continues. This experiment will be conducted at Sunway University’s infant lab, which is located within their Department of Psychology.

As little ones communicate through touch, sound and movement, this is one way that we could understand them better. It is an interesting way to see the world through the way a little one perceives it, and this science experiment could greatly benefit the field of infant studies. The plus point is your baby can get his or her very first degree, and even a PHD, through participating in the studies!

Baby Labs are not uncommon and there are such studies being conducted overseas as well. In order to participate in Sunway Baby Lab, parents would need to register their babies through the Sunway Baby Lab database and parents will be contacted if their little one is eligible for the studies.
Feature Image Credit: Sunway Baby Lab