Recently, there has been a rumour floating around WhatsApp on how burglars are targeting homes around Klang Valley by marking each “potential home” for robbery with a symbol. This method is not necessarily a new thing either. In the UK, it is even nicknamed the Da Pinci code.

What burglars would do is simply draw a specific symbol using chalks or markers on houses within a neighbourhood which they are targeting. According to a WhatsApp voice note, some of the targeted areas include Putra Heights, Kota Kemuning, Bangsar and Damansara.

These are the 6 symbols which you should be noting.

1. Too Risky


Houses marked with this symbol is probably marked with a capital ‘D’ to signify how dangerous it is to rob and it would not be burglars’ ideal first choice of a home to rob.

2. Alarmed House


Houses marked with this symbol have a visible alarm box and burglars might second-guess robbing this home due to the fear of triggering the alarm system.

3. Good Target


Like a treasure map, there will be an ‘X’ on the spot which means that the treasure lies here. This is the prime spot for burglars to rob as they believe that it would be a good target.

4. Vulnerable Target – Easily Conned


Houses marked with this symbol perhaps have female residents which burglars deem are “easily conned”. Interestingly, an old woman in the UK found a symbol drawn with chalk in her household, and she was burgled the very next day. What are the odds that this was the symbol she had found?

5. Wealthy


Homes labelled with the “5 coins” symbol is deemed to be homes which are owned by wealthy people and it is a good target property which burglars are highly likely to rob.

6. Nothing Worth Stealing


Homes which are labelled with this symbol might feel somewhat fortunate as they have “nothing worth stealing”. Still, it is a traumatic experience to have one’s home being targeted either way.

These symbols have been shared alongside the WhatsApp voice note of what seems to be a Malaysian woman warning residents in neighbourhoods around Klang Valley to stay safe. Despite the legitimacy of the voice note, there is no harm in being alert at all times and to always be aware of our neighbourhood surroundings.

If you have faced an experience of this sort within your housing area, feel free to let us know in the Facebook comment section if these tactics have been used.

Feature Image Credit: Pexels

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