Saga Hill

Saga Hill

Camp Out At These 6 Places In Selangor To Catch This Weekend’s Meteor Shower

Here are several places in Selangor for stargazing and to catch the Perseids meteor shower which will happen in August 2017.


马来西亚是个富有登山地点的国家,不管你是个初级、中级还是高级,都可以在这里找到一个适合你的登山处哦!经验丰富的本地登山者James Khone为大家盘点了雪隆区10个不同等级的绝佳登山地点,让我们一起来看看吧!

A Malaysian’s Personal Guide To 10 Hikes In Klang Valley For Different Fitness Levels

10 places to hike at in Klang Valley for different fitness levels and difficulties ranging from beginners, intermediate and advanced hikers.