While the dishes at a'Roma dinings are slightly pricy, I believe the quality of the pasta, risotto, and charcuterie (amongst other dishes) were worth it.
We tried to overindulge ourselves with an endless barrage of cheese, meat, and bread at this Sunday brunch buffet full of authentic Italian delicacies.
如果你是西餐爱好者,不如试试这家 Bottega Mediterranea意大利餐厅吧! 这里的食材都是新鲜空运过来的,连主厨也是来自意大利呢!
B.G.T Lakeview Restaurant隐藏在Kelana Jaya的蓝色湖畔。他们主打融合了亚洲特色的意式料理,招牌菜是瑞士烤起司Raclette和榴莲披萨。
位于吉隆坡Bangsar South的意大利餐厅Fratello Italiano,为你带来最正宗美味的意大利菜!