Recently, the Discover KL team was invited to try out the hardest room ever in Breakout Nu Sentral and at the end of it, we could say that we were definitely posed with a real-life tricky puzzle challenge.
Breakout is a real-life puzzle room where you are placed in different themed-missions. Each room tells a unique story and their level of difficulty ranges from a mild 3.0 to a super tough 9.5. Currently, there are 2 outlets available in Avenue K and Nu Sentral and both outlets do not have the exact same rooms.
The rooms currently available in Avenue K are Project Fallout, Chamber Of Hocus and Mr Oswald’s Greatest Show. The Nu Sentral rooms are Perpetual, War For Rembrandt and Dreadnought. The team tried out the Perpetual and Dreadnought rooms, and considering how most of us were first timers, the 45-minute time limit indeed posed as a challenge.
Before the start of each escape, a gamemaster will brief each player on the rules and regulations as well as provide a quick character reference. Each player will play a character during their time in the room and each character has their own specific perks and powers.
For instance, the timebender character allows the gamemaster to provide the players with 5 minutes of extra gameplay, whereas the lightbearer will be in charge of holding a torchlight to provide light in an otherwise dark room. These abilities will assist players in situations whereby they may require extra time or light to shine a dark patch in the room.
The room which boggled the entire team was Perpetual, a newly introduced room in Breakout Nu Sentral. The plot of this room is how the Breakout team is tasked to retrieve a priceless artifact from its owner. This breakout room is set within the security room of the artifact owner and we were required to break out within 45 minutes through an intricate room broken into 4 different areas.

As the Discover KL team were split into 2 teams of 4, it was interesting to note how we fared equally the same in this room. Both teams wound up at the 5th station out of 6, in this room and even with hints and clues from the gamemaster, we could not break out from the room within 45 minutes.

With a difficulty level of 9.5 out of 10, you would think that it is almost impossible to finish this room but it definitely requires an attention to detail and to not read too much within the lines of each clue. If you are into challenging obstacles which also leads to an amazing storyline at the end of the course, this room might just be the one you should head for during your next Breakout mission!
Prices at Breakout depend on the number of participants per room. For 2 pax, it is priced at RM106, 3 pax at RM143.10, 4 pax at RM169.60, 5 pax at RM201.40, 6 pax at RM241.70, 7 pax at RM267.10 and 8 pax at RM305.30. Each room can hold a max of 8 players, and 2 players are a minimum for each breakout mission.
Hours: Mon – Sun: 10am – 10pm
Address: L4-09A, Level 4, Nu Sentral, Sambathan,, 201, Jalan Tun Sambanthan, 50470 Kuala Lumpur
Website: Breakout Nu Sentral