inside scoop

inside scoop

Spill The Dish: What Makes Inside Scoop’s Durian Ice Cream So Addictive?

Edmund Tan of Inside Scoop shares about sourcing the best natural ingredients for their fresh artisanal ice creams, including durian.

Inside Scoop Challenges Ice Cream Lovers To Finish 12 Scoops In The Fastest Time

Inside Scoop Malaysia is organising an ice cream eating competition of eating 12 scoops of ice cream in the fastest time.

【Inside Scoop冰淇淋大赛!】12球冰淇淋用最短的时间吃完,一年的免费冰淇淋就是你的!

为了庆祝Inside Scoop的3周年庆,Inside Scoop举行了一场冰淇淋大赛。只要能在最短的时间内,将12球冰淇淋吃光,你就是赢家了!

Feeling Adventurous? Try These 7 Unique Cendol Desserts In KL!

Try these 7 unusual cendol-infused desserts in KL, they might even be better than the real thing!